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What is ICF?
The International Coaching Federation (ICF) is the world’s largest organization leading the global advancement of the coaching profession and fostering coaching’s role as an integral part of a thriving society. Founded in 1995, its 50,000-plus members located in more than 140 countries and territories work toward common goals of enhancing awareness of coaching and upholding the integrity of the profession through lifelong learning and upholding the highest ethical standards. Through the work of its six unique family organizations, ICF empowers professional coaches, coaching clients, organizations, communities, and the world through coaching. Visit for more information.
What is the difference between ICF Michigan and ICF Global?
ICF Michigan is the local chapter of the International Coach Federation (also known as "ICF Global" or just "ICF") and focuses specifically on the needs of coaches serving Michigan and the surrounding area.  ICF Michigan is one of 13 ICF chapters that make up the Midwest Coaches Development Council (MCDC).  ICF Global is a world-wide organization representing over 50,000 members in 140 countries and territories. 

Here is the link to ICF's website -
Do I have to be a member of ICF Global to join ICF Michigan?
No, membership in ICF Global is not a requirement to join ICF Michigan. Note that there is a discount if you are also a member of Global.

Also note that ICF Global's membership is separate from ours.

ICF Global Membership Link:

Our Membership Link:

Do I have to be ICF credentialed to be a member of ICF Michigan?
Coaches do not need to hold an ICF Credential to be members, although ICF Credentials are recommended and provide additional benefits.

How do I find an accredited coaching school?
The ICF Global website ( has the Education Search Service (ESS) that can help you find a coach training program that works best for you.  The ESS Site contains a video that explains how to use the website and many of the options.
How do I get started with credentialing?
The first step in obtaining ICF credentialing is to find an ICF-accredited training program that meets your needs and sign up for training. That program will have requirements and recommendations regarding practice clients and the information that you will need to collect and report in order to pursue your desired credential.
What coaching schools do you recommend?
While ICF Michigan highly recommends that all coaches pursue accredited training,  we do not recommend any specific coaching school.  Instead, we recommend you visit the Education Search Service (ESS) on the ICF Global website and explore the available options.  You are also welcome to speak with individual ICF Michigan members to learn about their experience with training.
Do I need to be credentialed to practice as a coach?
If you are serious about developing your coaching business, an ICF Credential is the best way to set yourself apart by demonstrating your knowledge, skill and commitment to high ethical and professional standards. However, because coaching is not regulated by any country or state, you are not required to get training or credentials.
What is the difference between life coaching and executive coaching?

All coaching makes use of the same skills to help people realize their full potential. Many coaches choose to specialize in specific areas, based on their own strengths and interests. For instance, life coaches work with the entirety of a person’s life, including their relationships, health, work, community, and life goals. An executive coach might touch on some of those topics, but their primary focus is working with a client to strengthen their leadership capacity and reach their professional goals. Other common coaching niches include, but are not limited to, entrepreneur, wellness, leadership, academic, spiritual, and relationship coaching. As a professional coach you are free to choose any specialty that aligns with your experience, expertise, and interests.

Where can I find a list and information about the ICF Core Competencies?