12.10.2019 Core Competency Webinar - Reviewing the ICF's New Core Competency Model
10.24.2019 Beth Tuttle Webinar Recording from ICF Michigan
11.19.2019 Core Competency Webinar - Creating Awareness
09.19.2019-Jan-Berg-Webinar from ICF Michigan
10.15.2019 Core Competency Webinar - Ethical Guidelines
08.15.2019 Cathy Mott Webinar from ICF Michigan
09.17.2019 Core Competency Webinar - Active Listening
07.18.2019 Ben Dooley Webinar Recording from ICF Michigan
08.20.2019 Core Competency Webinar - Designing Actions
06.27.2019 Tara Butler Floch Webinar Recording from ICF Michigan
07.16.2019 Core Competency Webinar - Planning and Goal Setting
05.23.2019 Sheri Boone and Jamee Tenzer Webinar Recording from ICF Michigan
06.18.2019 Core Competency Webinar - Establishing Trust and Intimacy with the Client
04.18.2019 Dave Miller Webinar Recording from ICF Michigan
05.21.2019 Core Competency Recording - Establishing the Coaching Agreement
03.21.2019 Gary Henson Webinar Recording from ICF Michigan
04.16.2019 Core Competency Webinar - Powerful Questioning
02.21.2019 Krista Martin Webinar Recording from ICF Michigan
03.19.2019 Core Competency Recording - Direct Communication
01.22.2019 Michael Kline Webinar Recording from ICF Michigan
02.19.2019 Core Competency Recording - Coaching Presence